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Are You Making Vision Boards with Your Team?


As the new year begins, it's the perfect time to reflect on goals and set the tone for success. Last December, we kicked off the year by hosting a vision board session with our team. It was a great way to align on goals and set intentions for the months ahead.

Why Vision Boards Are Important

  1. Clarity of Goals: A vision board helps your team clearly define what they want to achieve, both individually and collectively. Visualizing goals fosters a sense of purpose and direction.

  2. Boosts Motivation: Seeing images and words that represent your aspirations serves as a daily reminder to stay focused and committed. For your team, this can be a great motivator to stay on track.

  3. Encourages Collaboration: When teams create vision boards together, it sparks conversations about shared goals and values. This fosters unity and a deeper understanding of each other’s aspirations.

  4. Builds Positive Energy: Starting the year with an inspiring and creative activity sets a positive tone for the months ahead. It creates an environment where optimism and excitement flourish.

Reviewing Vision Boards Quarterly in 2025

To maximize the impact of your vision boards, we encourage reviewing them at the end of each quarter throughout 2025. Take time to assess where you’re at, celebrate progress, and realign your goals as needed. This quarterly practice ensures that your vision board stays relevant and continues to motivate and inspire you and your team.

How to Get Started

  • Set Aside Time: Schedule a dedicated session to create vision boards. This shows your team that you value this activity as part of their professional growth.

  • Provide Supplies: Gather materials like magazines, scissors, glue, and poster boards. You can also go digital with online tools for virtual teams.

  • Encourage Sharing: After creating vision boards, give everyone the chance to present theirs. Sharing goals builds accountability and strengthens team connections.

Why It’s a Great Way to Start the Year

A vision board exercise sets the stage for a year filled with intentionality and focus. It helps your team embrace the "big picture" while breaking it down into actionable steps. Plus, it’s a fun and creative way to bond and energize everyone for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

So, are you making vision boards with your team? If not, now’s the perfect time to start. Give your team the gift of clarity, motivation, and collaboration—and watch them thrive in the year to come!