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Calm is highly contagious too.


This, Too, Shall Pass

These are worrying times for us all. There is no longer such a thing as ‘business as usual’. Remember this, however, calm and stability and a balanced approach is just as contagious as any virus. Fear, hoarding, scarcity, and panic don’t ever serve any of us well; and, even in these uncertain times, a level-headed approach will always win the day.

As leaders, managers, sales professionals, and family members, the first thing we should all sell is hope, and confidence, and calm. Every situation gives us the opportunity to be the best of ourselves or the worst. Serve as a light to others – don’t deal in hearsay, innuendo, panic, and sensationalism. The virus is beyond our control, what our clients and prospects do is beyond our control – and we can’t manage anything that we can’t control. So, what can we control? We can control A LOT…

What Can We Control?

We Can 100% Control: Our response to all of this worry, and uncertainty, and speculation. Our prospecting and daily sales/management/leadership behaviors. Our determination, drive, and ambition. Our willingness to stretch and get outside our comfort zone.

Will you REACT, or will you RESPOND?

Reacting is negative, RESPONDING is positive. We have a choice – we always have a choice. We can decide how to respond to any situation, however bad. Decide to be calm, and determined, and organized, and helpful.

  • Calm is as contagious as worry.
  • Determination is as contagious as fear.
  • The effort is as contagious as acquiescence.
  • Integrity is as contagious as any virus, however virulent.

Our Darkest Hours Define Us.

Your competitors are using this time to binge-watch Netflix and goof-off – are you going to go down with them on that ship? I’m not! Remember, this too shall pass. Decide that when it does, whatever is left will be a better, stronger, faster, leaner, more efficient and effective, you. Contact every single client, ex-client, and prospect, and ask them when would be the very best time to reconnect – you’ll be amazed how many say, “Well, why not now, I have lots of unexpected time on my hands”. Redo your cookbook. Double-down on your prospecting behavior. Use LinkedIn to find lots more prospects. Look for ways to serve, not to capitalize on the doom and gloom. Virtual is the new normal. Get connecting with clients and prospects, fast!

Have a vision for the other side of this – then work towards that vision. To use a nautical term, be a navigator, not a drifter, or a paddler. This is a time to figure out how to help your customers help their customers.

Make a plan for the day – every day, then work that plan like you mean it.

Choose to be smart, not scared. When is panic ever the right answer? Never. Not now, not ever.

Only read and deal in the facts, don’t succumb to fear. Don’t gossip or speculate. Stop hoarding toilet rolls – really, stop it. Call a relative to tell them you love them. Wash your hands. Stay safe.

Do the things today that people will admire tomorrow.

May your God be with you.

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