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Unlocking Sales Success: The Overlooked Strategy to Secure Every Deal

In the competitive world of sales, maintaining consistency across your team’s approach is key. But there’s one powerful strategy many teams fail to implement, a tactic that could be the difference between a one-time sale and a long-term customer relationship. This strategy is the "Post-Sell" conversation, a crucial step in the Sandler Selling System that ensures your sales don’t just close—they stick. Let’s explore how incorporating this simple yet transformative practice can significantly boost your sales team’s productivity and success.

Why the Post-Sell Conversation is a Game Changer

Understanding the Importance of Consistency:

Inconsistent sales methodologies within a team often lead to fragmented strategies, wasting resources and sending mixed signals to potential clients. This disjointed approach can undermine the customer experience, especially in today’s market where decision-makers are increasingly hesitant to engage with salespeople.

The Role of the Post-Sell in Retaining Earned Revenue:

To stay ahead, today’s sellers must drastically increase client-facing activities—specifically, activities that reinforce and retain the revenue already secured. The Post-Sell conversation is one such activity. It’s a simple yet effective dialogue with buyers that can fortify relationships and prevent costly instances of buyer’s remorse.

The Dynamics of Buyer’s Remorse

Why the "Yes" is Conditional:

Every salesperson has faced the frustration of a sale going cold after receiving an initial “yes” from the buyer. The deal suddenly falls apart, and often, there’s no clear way to salvage it. This happens because the initial “yes” is always conditional—subject to change based on various internal and external pressures the buyer may encounter after the fact.

How the Post-Sell Prevents Deal Breakdowns:

To prevent this, it’s essential to recognize that selling truly begins after the “yes.” During the Post-Sell, the salesperson poses thoughtful questions, designed to uncover and address any lingering doubts or potential pressures the buyer might face. This proactive approach helps secure the sale by guiding the buyer through the psychological process of doubt that often follows a purchase decision.

Implementing the Post-Sell: Steps for Success

How to Deliver a Successful Post-Sell Conversation:

For the Post-Sell to be effective, every team member must be comfortable leading this conversation and able to report on its outcome. The goal is to address and alleviate any buyer’s remorse before it has the chance to fester. This involves revisiting minor objections raised during the sales process and confirming the buyer’s commitment.

Example of an Effective Post-Sell Dialogue:

Consider this scenario:

“Mary, you mentioned you wanted the product in blue, but we only have it in red. You said that was fine, but I want to make sure red is truly acceptable to you before we finalize our discussion today.”

By prompting Mary to reconsider, and ultimately reaffirm her choice, you help her psychologically close the file on that decision. This process not only solidifies the sale but also builds trust and confidence in the relationship.

Scaling the Post-Sell Across Your Team

Why Every Salesperson Should Adopt the Post-Sell:

Sales leaders who have not yet integrated the Post-Sell into their team’s routine are missing out on a significant opportunity. Regular debriefs after each sale to ensure the Post-Sell conversation took place can serve as a powerful force multiplier, leading to higher productivity and better closing ratios.

Overcoming Resistance to the Post-Sell:

It’s common for salespeople to initially resist the idea of revisiting objections after a sale seems to be closed. However, once they witness the impact of consistently implementing the Post-Sell step, that resistance typically fades. The results speak for themselves.

Don’t Buy Back Tomorrow What You Sold Today

Integrating the Post-Sell conversation into your sales process is a straightforward way to reduce the risk of losing sales to buyer’s remorse. By making this simple yet powerful step a standard practice, you can ensure that every sale is not only closed but also secured, driving your team toward greater success.

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