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Sandler Training in Northern New Jersey | Tailwind, Inc. Testimonials

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  • Sandler placeholder poster
    I wanted to thank you for the Sandler training experience. Despite my initial reservations and inner resistance, I eventually found the material very much relatable, relevant and practical. You may or may not be the course creator, but I feel the way you present the material, lead the discussions and interact with the participants makes a huge contribution to the course success.
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  • Before Sandler, I did not know anything about a sales process, or the right things to do along the way. You can go to college, you can learn about business, but they don’t teach you what Sandler teaches you. Sandler actually changed my life, from a personal and from a business perspective. I wouldn’t be here without Sandler, because the process I was using before was not going to get me where I am today.
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    Before Sandler, I did not know anything about a sales process, or the right things to do along the way. You can go to college, you can learn about business, but they don’t teach you what Sandler teaches you. Sandler actually changed my life, from a personal and from a business perspective. I wouldn’t be here without Sandler, because the process I was using before was not going to get me where I am today.
    - Jeff Sassaman, Entrepreneur
  • I decided to start working with Sandler Training because my revenue needed a spark. What I didn’t expect that I learned from Sandler was the ability to understand at a deeper level the buyer’s psychology. If I look back to three or four years ago, I don’t think I would ever expect to have the team I have, and the revenues I have at this time.
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    I decided to start working with Sandler Training because my revenue needed a spark. What I didn’t expect that I learned from Sandler was the ability to understand at a deeper level the buyer’s psychology. If I look back to three or four years ago, I don’t think I would ever expect to have the team I have, and the revenues I have at this time.
    - Nick Kraus, Kraus Marketing
  • I decided to use Sandler Training because at the time my business was about two years old, and I was on a collaborative board with other business owners who said they had tremendous success using Sandler. The management program has been tremendously helpful to me; it helps me not only be a good sales manager, but a good manager in general. My closing rate has dramatically increased, but the program has also helped me use my time more wisely
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    I decided to use Sandler Training because at the time my business was about two years old, and I was on a collaborative board with other business owners who said they had tremendous success using Sandler. The management program has been tremendously helpful to me; it helps me not only be a good sales manager, but a good manager in general. My closing rate has dramatically increased, but the program has also helped me use my time more wisely
    - President, Paradigm Marketing & Design
  • Sandler placeholder poster
    Our entire team, and ultimately our business and culture, benefited from the training we did this winter with you. You helped us develop more accuracy and effectiveness in our guest relationship development efforts. Your training buoyed our team's confidence, better align their efforts with our mission, and help them better navigate their conversations with guests to be more helpful for our guests and effective for our business. Our final training on referrals really helped confirm our team's value they provide to our guests. Thank you for your efforts.
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  • Sandler placeholder poster
    I came into Sandler skeptical, with somewhat of a chip on my shoulder, thinking I’ve been selling my whole life, I’m well-trained in the art of selling, what am I going to learn here? And Sandler changed my life – it’s certainly in the top three experiences of growth opportunities.
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