The word "meeting" brings out a chemical reaction in people. It's either a positive or a negative reaction. Do your meetings cause the release of serotonin, or cortisol? I choose serotonin!
Why even have that meeting? Could we pass the information through email or via a brief chat session? Likely... YES!
Well, sometimes meetings are necessary. So, how do we make the best of the situation?
What is lacking in a bad meeting? What makes a good meeting good?
A few thoughts.
Bad Meeting:
- No clear purpose.
- No specific agenda, in writing. This could go for hours!
- Little consideration for attendees. For example; a meeting pass email worthy information.
- No stated goal for a clear outcome or next steps.
How many of those meetings have you endured? That's too many!
What needs to change?
Good Meeting:
- Very specific purpose/goal, stated upfront.
- A clear agenda with a start and stop time.
- What I want to cover, what you want to cover. Notice that this is mutual, not meeting to pass email fodder.
- Clear outcomes or next steps, agreed to upfront
We call this an Up-Front Contract. It's a game plan for your next meeting. Never have another meeting without one.
There, now isn't that Better?
So, no more bad meetings. Okay? Good!