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Why Selling Is Exactly Like Dating


Okay, so it isn’t EXACTLY the same but there are certainly many similarities that we can learn from in business development.

1) If you spend all your time talking on the first date how likely is it there will be a second date? The most interesting person on a date is the one most interested in the other person.

That approach works pretty well in selling too. We have an axiom called the 70/30 Rule which reminds sellers that 70% of the sales call should be spent listening to the prospect and NOT talking.

2) A variation on the theme above is this: if you spend the time you are talking on subjects such as how rich you are, what a cool car you drive, how smart you are, etc. how likely is another date in that scenario?

The same is true in selling. No one cares how great your company is and how wonderful your products are, etc.

In business, decision makers care about THEIR business and not yours. They only care about your business if they have pains that your product or service can relieve. The “Spray and Pray” approach went out with the Palm Pilot so please don’t try that tactic in dating OR selling!

3) One of my personal favorites is this: don’t seem desperate or too eager. In dating if you start chasing the other person and seem too needy or desperate to form a relationship what usually happens? Well, nowadays, you might be labeled a stalker but more than likely the other person just gets bored or loses interest in you.

Once again, it is no different in selling. Being okay with no is a critical element in sales success. How different would the next sales call be if you had millions in the bank and were just working because you enjoyed it?

Do yourself a favor and go sell with THAT mindset and watch what happens to your success rate.

I could keep going but I think you see the point. If you just take all the rules you would NEVER break on a date and apply them to your next sales call 2019 will be the best year ever.

Chuck Terry, CEO/President

Chuck Terry, CEO/President

Sandler Training in Denver provides sales training, management and leadership training, and professional development for individuals and organizations. Let us know how we can help your team.