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Selling Successfully Is Mind Over Matter


Many professional sales people I meet have two things in common.

  1. They are working WAY too hard and having WAY too little fun selling
  2. If they aren't consistently as successful as they could be the number one reason is all in their head.

In a future blog I will tackle point #1 but for this blog I am going to cover point #2.

That is by FAR the biggest issue. Self limiting beliefs and "head trash" as we call it at Sandler Training is what's stopping many sales and business professionals from reaching their maximum potential.

Henry Ford said "Whether you believe you can or believe you cannot you are exactly right." That great sales guru Buddha said, "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." You get the point, attitude and beliefs are what empower us or limit us depending on how they are managed.

So how do you change limiting beliefs and attitudes? The first step is to identify what they are. Spend a week paying close attention to the "self talk" that is taking place in the ongoing "talk show" inside your head. Are you frequently using words such as "can't", "won't", "don't", "try", "have to", "problem", etc.? Do you truly expect to succeed or are you expecting to fail subconsciously? What sub-optimal beliefs, if proven to be untrue, could unlock your fortune?

The most effective way to change your beliefs is to change the language you use to communicate with yourself and to immediately change your behaviors to align with those proven to deliver success. Spoiler Alert: it isn't easy!

For sellers this typically involves an enforced discipline to do the behaviors associated with prospecting even though you might have current beliefs such as "cold calling is a waste of time." If you are diligent in your application of the "behaviors" your new success will begin to replace those old beliefs with new, more effective ones in their place. Changing beliefs is hard work and requires sticking with the new behaviors long enough to succeed.

If you don't "mind" then it doesn't "matter." If success at a higher level DOES "matter" then you might need to change your "mind."

Chuck Terry, CEO/President

Chuck Terry, CEO/President

Sandler Training in Denver provides sales training, management and leadership training, and professional development for individuals and organizations. Let us know how we can help your team.