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"How to Inspire a Healthy and Happy Workplace "

You have heard the saying, “when momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy?”

The same can be said for today’s workplace environment. If there are one or more unhappy employees, it directly and indirectly affects the whole organization. One-third of Americans say they are engaged in their careers, according to a 2018 Gallop poll. It appears that the work is not as important to employees as is the people the employees are doing the work with. And a Forbes article last year reported that meaningful work continues to rank high for millennial generation.

Additionally, health professionals are fully aware of the decrease in diseases associated with early death such as heart disease and cancer when employees feel engaged and rewarded at work.

What are 3 ways to inspire a healthy and happy workplace?

  1. Improve Employee Relationships – Recognize that not everyone sees the world in the same way and through the same lens. Foster understanding and tolerance for differing views and personalities. Encourage open lines of communication, empower employees to offer non-judgmental or attacking comments that are constructive toward the overall goals of the organization or team.
  2. Manage Stress – Although healthy amounts of stress can be beneficial, finding the balance will improve an employee’s physical state as well as their productivity. To manage and relieve stress, you must first identify the origin. Is it coming from a person? A project? Yourself? Unfocused panicking typically ends in a lot of wasted energy, increased frustration due to a lack of resolution, and a general loss of control within the brain. Once the cause of the stress is identified, steps can be taken to relieve it. Help employees recognize the part of the stress that they can control, tackling it and targeting the energy toward a productive goal.
  3. Offer Rewards and Praise – Employers are starting to learn that small rewards and acknowledgement of an employee’s value has a higher rate of return than the more expensive compensations. Public acknowledgement of a job well done or an extended lunch with the team can go a long way. Think about how you feel when someone tells you “Thank you” for a job that you would have done anyway. Even people who are at the top of their game like to hear the acknowledgement. Don’t think for a minute that Tom Brady doesn’t get hyped when he gets personal praise.

An effective company requires dedicated, motivated employees to achieve success. Pay attention to their needs, especially personal and professional goals. By catering to those intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, you help every employee feel appreciated.

We have many resources if you need help with team building, improving workplace communication or inspiring a successful organization. Contact us to learn ways to unleash your team’s potential. Request this FREE Report and maximize productivity: Hiring and Retaining Talent in a Hybrid Workplace.