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Elevating Your Leadership in Six Steps to Success


As a manager, your core responsibility is to empower your team to consistently excel and enhance their performance. Regular meetings, coaching sessions, and in-house training are integral components of your strategy.

However, to truly become a better leader, consider these six suggestions:

Analyze Your Attitude: Your approach sets the tone for your team. Consider whether your enthusiasm is contagious or if your attitude implies viewing work as a burden. Strive to identify possibilities when challenges arise. A positive leader encourages their team to perform at their best.

Adapt Your Behavior: Recognize and appreciate the unique personalities and strengths of each team member. Understanding and adjusting your interaction patterns fosters better communication, cooperation, and productivity.

Acknowledge Your Limitations: A good leader guides rather than dictates. Communicate that you don't have all the answers and involve your team in goal-setting, strategy development, and problem-solving. Encourage their input to enhance their sense of ownership and motivation. Delegate Responsibilities: Identify routine tasks that can be delegated. Delegating not only frees up your time for more critical activities but also promotes personal and professional growth within your team.

Be a Resource: When you delegate responsibilities, make yourself available to provide guidance and answer questions. Actively listen to your team, showing them that their concerns are valued. Encourage open communication and ensure you follow through.

Follow-Up: After empowering your team, consistent follow-up is crucial. Provide timely feedback, letting them know how they're performing. This real-time management approach enables you to keep them on track, correct mistakes promptly, and maintain a dynamic and responsive team. Incorporate these strategies into your leadership approach to unveil new ways to interact with your team, fostering an environment that propels them toward improved performance and desired results.

Dan and Lisa Nausley

Dan and Lisa Nausley

Lisa & Dan Nausley of Sandler Chattanooga have developed extensive Sales Mastery and Management Programs after more than a decade of training and coaching exceptional teams across the country in sales, leadership, and executive coaching.