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Glenn Mattson
Welcome back to the Building Blocks of Success, season three, episode twelve. Today, we're going to be taking a look at vision. And we're maybe even more so what happens when we lose our vision. So, if you're someone that has success, and you've gotten to a certain level of success, and you've kind of lost your path, or you're sitting there taking a look at what your vision is, and not having one and you're trying to figure out how to put one in front of you. Come join us on this episode of Building Blocks of Success.
Glenn Mattson
So welcome folks to another Building Blocks of Success. In this episode, we're going to delve into the world of having a vision and perhaps even more importantly, what happens when you don't have one or you lose it. I would say that with all the conversations I've had, even with emerging entrepreneurs, or even developing and some who are very successful rainmakers, who've had clear visions, they've gotten to those visions, and they've lost them, they've started to have lack of passion and what they do, and other people I'll talk with that haven't even started their journey, are trying to figure out what is that vision? How do I have clarity on it? So, I want to spend some time today on having a vision. And it's like having a roadmap for your life, it gives you direction and purpose and a sense of fulfillment. It really helps you figure out what the right decisions are, where to spend your time etc. But for those who don't have quite figured that out yet, and or who have lost it, let's explore that today. You know, look, there's lots of reasons why some people may not have a clear vision. Some people have gotten there, and now that's phase two.
Glenn Mattson
But for those who haven't gotten even their clear vision, and even though they're working, and they don't know what their vision is, it could be things like fear of failure, and you hear that a lot. That's what happens if I give it a shot, it doesn't work out. But fear of failure. And what happens about fear of success, see that a fear of success is the Old China egg, and you realize that many people who fear failure are equally Fair Success. So, it's out there, and other people from vision, it's taking a look at things like money and time and energy in their brain. And it's really not necessarily those things, but those what they consider roadblocks. And because of that they're stuck in a daily grind, they keep doing the same old thing, getting the same old results and not feeling any better about it or doing anything to change it. In essence, they're just having their head above water.
Glenn Mattson
So, here's a startling fact. You know, I love the Dominican University of California which gets some great, great statistics. But individuals who have goals, they write them down, and they share with their friends. There's two statistics that are just crazy. One is - 33% more chance of getting there. But the other one I love and you know that I've shared this in the past with you is people have goals. They revisit their goals, they adjust their plan, and they share it with other people is less than 1% of the population. And those individuals typically will outearn 86% of the rest of the population just because they have the idea of where they're going.
Glenn Mattson
So, what happens if you don't have a vision? Well, for one, usually don't make the best decisions, you kind of feel lost direction list. Some people have a feeling of aimlessness where they just get up each day, they go to work, they come back, and they just repeat, it's like Groundhog Day. You have anxiety that comes with it. Sometimes you have depression that comes with it. And a lot of discontent that comes with it. And a lot of the anxiety is that you don't know where you're going. So, the decisions that you have or the future sitting in front of you, you don't know if I should take a left or I should take a right. And it creates a lot of uncomfortable feelings. So there's a ton of studies to share that without clear vision without clear purpose. People are more likely to have stress, they're more likely to have dissatisfaction with their lives, they're more likely to have unfulfilled expectations. Yet, in essence, they still go through their life without maybe reacting to life versus taking life and acting on it.
Glenn Mattson
So why don't we take a look at how we can shape and look at the possibility of this let's stop looking at the negatives here. Let's start talking about the beauty of a vision for a second. When you have a vision it's like a GPS it's like you know you wake up no one in the world would get a car to start to drive you always put on your maps or your goal goals or your you know your ways. It's a GPS it's understanding where you're heading. So, each time that you take a step, in essence, and each time you make some decisions you have to Ask yourself Is this getting me closer to where I want to go? Or farther away? Having a vision allows you to set meaningful goals, which, by the way, are phenomenal because goals, excite you, inspire you, they challenge you. They're not supposed to be easy. They're not supposed to be always successful, but it's the path to get there. And as you work towards those goals, you're going to experience a sense of purpose and fulfillment, that really is truly unmatched, it becomes addictive.
Glenn Mattson
I know what you're all thinking is okay, well, how do I either develop it or refine it, maybe even adjust it? So, let's jump into some practical tips that we can do. Just to do that. First of all, you need to take some reflection, think back for a moment, stop thinking about the work you have, and just put on some reflection and think of what your passions are, your values, and your strengths. What are the things that you really enjoy doing? What are the things that are grind at work? What are the things that take very little energy at work? What are the things that after they're accomplished give you the most joy from where you are? What are some of your hobbies, your vision often aligns with your true self. Next, set aside all the self-limiting stuff that's going to pop into your head, right, all those negative beliefs, the negative scripts that you may have, oh, I can't do that. Because that's not going to happen. Because I don't have this. Understand that setbacks are part of your journey. But for right now, let's just take a look at your vision.
Glenn Mattson
Now, once you've got your vision, it's time to put it into action. Right vision without action is useless. So, you got to break it down into smaller bite-sized pieces. You know, the old saying about elephant bite-sized pieces, right? So, remember, a vision without a plan is just merely a daydream? There's a fascinating statistic that I would like to share with you. According to some research by Dr. Gail Matthews, again, at the Dominican, those who wrote down their goals and shared their progress 76 are more likely to get there, right? So, they're 34% higher in terms of success, and they have a 76% chance of getting there better than the average person. So don't keep it a secret, share it with as many people as possible. That's why you hear things like vision boards, you put them up in your car, you put them up in your mirror, you put them up, we get dressed, right, so you can see them on your refrigerators, where everyone knows, share your vision with your children, their children are sharing the visions with you and other people. But the neat thing is, is that when you have these habits that start to form. And the habits that we have that don't connect to our vision start to get conflicted, you'll see that with a clear direction.
Glenn Mattson
It's easy not to get caught up in distractions and other routines that don't serve you. For instance, if you're mindlessly sitting there on Instagram or TikTok, or you're on LinkedIn saying that you're working, but you're really just scrolling around, what you're really doing is procrastinating or just not knowing what to do in the time that you have. So, you're just killing time. All these habits, the ones that aren't going to help you get to where you want to go start to become uncomfortable, they start to understand that without me understanding that just this hour or 30 minutes or 10 minutes or five minutes on social media isn't helping me achieve what I need to achieve. It's in my way. So, all of a sudden decision-making helps dramatically on things that are either distractions or assets to help you get to where you want to go. Now this is where the magic starts to happen is really cool, right? Once you have a clear vision, start to take action towards it enough start to really notice some really incredible changes that will occur in your life.
Glenn Mattson
First of all, you're going to feel a lot more motivated and energized because you have a purpose, and the purpose excites you. And that excitement hypes activity and activity means that you're accomplishing things, which then re-energizes your purpose again. So, it's like a self-fulfilling prophecy. It's as great as you find this deep sense of satisfaction and really, contentment as your vision gradually starts to become reality. So, each time you hit some of these action steps, you're getting closer and closer and closer. It is really, really exciting. Because it just becomes a self-running machine. You get excited by it, you do it, you get excited again, you do more, and you start to succeed, it gets more energized, you start to believe in yourself, you start to increase your self-esteem. And when you have setbacks, you learn how to adjust and move and pivot for them. It's fantastic, right? So to finalize this, let's break this down. So, understanding your vision is really three essential elements that can really help you truly shape the course of your life and your business. Right. So, let's all start with the first one.
Glenn Mattson
The first one is about purpose. You see, purpose is the heartbeat of your existence. That's why you're here. It's a reason for getting out of bed every morning. It's just not about you as an individual. It extends to your business as well. What are you really doing what you're doing for what's the real purpose in the core of your belly button that's going to help you address in face those obstacles that are going to happen, but they're going to pull you through those obstacles, it's about understanding the profound impact that you can make and the value that you have on yourself, others in the world, and those that are associated with you.
Glenn Mattson
So, what's your purpose? Second one - picture. I know it sounds crazy. But if you're going on a road trip, or you're going to take a vacation, you have a pretty clear idea of where you're going, what's gonna look like, etc. And your brain doesn't really know the difference between reality and non-reality with regard to certain things. So when we have pictures in our brain, and we have to have clarity on what it looks like, there's gonna be an exercise I used to do all the time, I used to sit down with a group of people and didn't make a difference the size of the group, but I would take a very small puzzle 50 pieces each and I would take two groups of people and take that puzzle, each group would have the puzzle and I'd flip it over, and we would shuffle it around. So, all the pieces were upside down. I've saved kind of flip it over and start as a group start making the puzzle and some people will put the colors together, and then others would put the sides together. But one group would always do one thing too, I would leave the cover of the box up so they can see it. And it was very interesting, the group that could see the box always put the puzzle together twice as fast as those that didn't see the final picture. So, when you have a picture, make sure you have it clear in your head and share it with people. So after you have the picture.
Glenn Mattson
Next thing I want you to take a look at your core values more times than not I coach, as you know, 15,000 entrepreneurs who have trained well over 200,000 salespeople. When you look at core values, it's one of the things that creates Afterburn, which is you may be achieving some of your objectives, but they don't feel all that right deep down in your heart. Your core values are your guiding stars, which are kind of your principles that illuminate you right there, your path, that helps you make the right decisions. You know, the old one-liner, right, making the right decision is never the wrong thing. So, you got to understand what your values are and make sure they align with your purpose and your picture. And so, for instance, discipline, integrity, honesty, right, honesty, all those are just a few examples, of core values, they put you in the right direction. So make sure that those that are around you, as you start to build your business, and your values, and your vision, those who are going to be supporting and helping you have also the same core values really critically important. Remember, it's not enough to know that, you gotta live them though, you just can't say that you're going to have integrity as your core value and not live it. So, we're of that of honesty or of discipline. And so make sure that whatever you say they are you live them and when you live them, they will believe through you. So as you take a look at it, those three together will help you get to the next level.
Glenn Mattson
Thanks for tuning in today. And as always, it's not just about who you are and what you know, it's about how you apply it. So, get out there, make a difference, and add value in the world. Having a vision is like having a lighthouse in the darkness that guides you, it inspires you to keep showing course. And even in the darkest, darkest times, even when the waters get the toughest. So, if you haven't found your vision yet, don't worry about it. Sit down and take the process. If you've already been and had ambition goals and you're starting to lose yourself or find out what your next steps are surround yourself with those who believe in your vision. Set yourself forward. Make sure you share with as many people as possible. Thank you for tuning in. Remember, vision is a key for unlocking your greatest potential. See you out there and think big and be big. Be well.
Glenn Mattson
This is the Building Blocks of Success with Glenn Mattson.