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Events Business Briefing-How Buyers Buy

Learn to close more sales.

Are you wasting too much time, energy, and resources trying to convince people to buy your products and services?

Join us for an online Business Briefing to understand the differences between the buyer's sales system and the seller's system and start closing more business.

This is an interactive and collaborative session aimed at helping you understand what a different sales system could look like and how it can impact the performance of your business.  

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Add to Calendar 09/19/2024 02:00 pm 09/19/2024 04:00 pm Business Briefing-How Buyers Buy

Learn to close more sales.

Are you wasting too much time, energy, and resources trying to convince people to buy your products and services?

Join us for an online Business Briefing to understand the differences between the buyer's sales system and the seller's system and start closing more business.

This is an interactive and collaborative session aimed at helping you understand what a different sales system could look like and how it can impact the performance of your business.  

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