I have learned that management is about many different roles: supervisory, training, coaching, mentoring and how we need to make sure we fulfill all of these areas. I actively measure results and plan for coaching/training sessions now. It's not luck that some managers have a harmonious, productive team and others never seem to get there. You have taught me how to adopt the strategies of excellent management - it's not rocket science, but it does need pointing out. It's not a quick-fix, but a steady ongoing learning process which becomes embedded in you and day-by-day changes your staff interactions - for the better. One day you look back and can't believe how your management style has come on. Anyone who has staff should be on your course. We have been in business for 20 years, but I now realise just how little I didn't get right with my management and cringe at some of the mistakes I have made, even when I thought I was being fair and doing a good job. Congratulations on getting your accreditation for your Sandler training -one of approximately only 4 in the UK to have this high level. I am very proud to know that I have the best trainer to take me on this enjoyable, valuable learning journey to making my business the success it deserves to be.
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