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The Sales Professional's Bill of Rights


Have you ever had someone say, “he/she is just a salesperson?”
How about “you are the salesperson, you work for me and will accommodate my schedule.”
There are sales people out there who fall into the traps where other people think we should be. Well, you have rights too.

Every salesperson has rights and those rights are a big part of what we teach at Sandler Training. Here are David Sandler’s Salesperson Bill of Rights:

1. You have the right to your dreams, desires, and expectations.
No one may take that away from you, even if it’s for your own good.
If you have big dreams, don’t let anyone take them away.
If you desire the best for your life, don’t let anyone take them away.
If you have high expectations for your life, don’t let anyone take them away.
On the other side, if yours are too low, maybe someone should open your eyes to what is possible?
2. You have the right to what you want.
In Napoleon Hill’s “Think & Grow Rich” he said, “whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve-if you are ready.” We would not have these wonderfully creative and imaginative minds if we couldn’t achieve what we can see in our minds eye. You have to get crystal clear on what you want. Then work on believing you can achieve it.
3. You have the right to like yourself as you are.
Your head trash is part of the human condition. We all have psychological head trash. Don’t let what other people are doing affect how you feel about yourself. Don’t let what happens in your role/job affect how you feel about yourself. Don’t let what other people say about you affect how you feel about yourself.
4. You have the right to change.
You can change. Just because you think and act a certain way, don’t think you cannot change. Do you hear yourself saying, “that’s just the way I am?” If you do, know that it is not “just the way you are.” You can change. It will take focused effort but it can be done.
5. You have the right to fail.
No need for excuses for attempts and failures. You have the right to them. Failure is the fastest way to learn, grow, and get better. The key is to learn from them. Fail fast, fail often.
6. You have the right to be imperfect.
Everyone has their imperfections. Some try to hide them and mask them. Others are almost too open about them. Just accept them and don’t dwell on them. Everyone has them.
7. You have the right to choose.
You get to choose whether or not to get out of bed. You get to choose what you sell. You get to choose your friends and partners. You get to choose what you do. You get to choose how you eat. You get to choose what to do next. You get to choose how long something affects you. You get to choose what you think about. The choice is yours, choose wisely.
8. You have the right to ask.
Expect rejection – it will help you grow. Ignore unsolicited advice. Ask, never, never beg. And keep asking. You will never know what is on someone’s mind unless you ask. Asking will allow you to provide tremendous value to others.
9. You have the right to decide how you will use your time and energy.
You get to choose what you do all day. You get to choose what gives you energy and what takes away your energy. Everyone has the same 24hrs/1,440 minutes in a day. How you spend each minute/hour of every day is up to you. If you are procrastinating about something, how much time is wasted avoiding that task? When something doesn’t go your way, how much time do you spend dwelling on it? When eating, you are in charge of feeding your body good energy or bad energy. You are in charge of your time and energy!
10. You have the right to lunch…once you have paid the price.
This is the opposite of “there ain’t no free lunch.”

We Coach/Train/Mentor individuals and teams to honor their Bill of Rights.
If you are open to learning more and seeing if there is a fit to work together, please reach out to me.

Here's to your success.

Steve Aune

Steve Aune

Steve Aune is an Executive Coach who's focus is helping leaders of organizations excel. Steve brings a unique perspective to each client engagement with his vast experience and business acumen.