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The UFC Strategy: 5 Elements of an Up-Front Contract


Are you finding that your sales calls are filled with gamesmanship? Are you and your prospect or clients continuously jockeying for position during a sales call? Do you find neither of you always have a clear and concise understanding of what happens next? Therefore, you walk out of the meeting thinking, "Got one!" and after you leave they say, "It sure took me a long time to get rid of that chump, but look at all the good, free information I got!”

Verbal Contract

Any type of communication can use this next strategy. If you're communicating with your spouse or co-worker, it is really helpful. Of course, often those communications can be the toughest sales calls.

At Sandler Training in NYC, we use a strategy of removing all "smoke and mirrors" from the sales call. We do this with a verbal contract tactic, which we refer to as an "Up-Front Contract" (UFC).

This UFC strategy should be used at the beginning of all meaningful conversations, no matter if it is your boss, subordinate, prospect, client or family member. Of course you won’t end up taking this exact step-by-step approach with every person you talk to, but you should use some of the components in every situation.

UFC Strategy Steps

  1. Confirmation Confirmation
    Check to see if the person is willing to take the time to listen and talk with you. This is common courtesy. The response will also let you know if the person will take the time to really listen to you and share their thoughtful response. The last thing you want to do is interrupt an important task and/or train of thought. You will get little positive feedback if that is the situation. A simple question like, "Did I catch you at a bad time?" or "Can I ask you a question?” is a great opener.
  2. Acknowledgement Acknowledge whom you are talking to with a positive comment (stroke), even if it’s just by their title. It is an important rapport and bonding step to confirm to your prospect that you understand the importance and relevance of their position. Honor the responsibility they have by acknowledging it.
  3. Questioning QuestioningIn order for you to fully understand what makes your prospect tick, what's really important to them, and what are their priorities. You’re going to have to ask your prospect a series of questions, plan ahead and jot down a few questions before you make the call. The intensive questioning (and listening) period required can sometimes appear rather harsh, but reassure your prospect of its importance. Therefore it is important in this step to get permission to ask questions. This step is critical to the UFC strategy.
  4. Understanding Client Expectations Find out what their agenda is. Often our expectations are not the same as those of our client. This is true in everyday life as well as business life. How often have you had your weekend day planned, only to find out half way through that your spouse’s agenda is totally different than yours, which might have left you in a bit of a tangle. This is why communication is key and a critical part in the sales process.

If you would like more details or have additional questions, please feel free to contact one of our team members here.

Dave Fischer, President, Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group

Dave Fischer, President, Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group

Sandler Training NYC