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Successful Decision-Makers Have a Process for Making Decisions


Great sales people and sales managers are like excellent corporate executives. They can make decisions with minimal "pain" because they have a reproducible process for making decisions. Below are the components that need to be in place in order to be an effective decision-maker. How do you fair in comparison?


Individuals who make decisions instead of putting them off increase their self-worth. They can “risk” and stay intact. Whether the decision is right or wrong, it will make you feel better about yourself because you are doing something about it and good decision-makers never look back to decide if they made a good or bad decision; they move to the next decision.

Individuals who make effective decisions understand how timing influences the decision: “Knowing when to pull the trigger, and when not to.” Some people make decisions too quickly, while others wade through the proverbial ‘paralysis through analysis.’ Even though it may appear effective, making decisions too quickly isn’t always.


Individuals who make decisions understand each decision is made along the decision-tree; there is no enormous decision, only a series of smaller ones. Effective decision-makers allow for each decision along the decision tree to runs its course before making the next one. You make a decision and then you see what happens with that and then you make another decision. You don't stop at one point and go back and say, “Well, did I make a good decision or bad decision?” and play the game of “What If.”

Delegation: Effective decision-makers know how to set up the ground rules up-front to delegate certain decisions to others. Empowerment is the key buzzword nowadays; empower/trust others to make decisions by training them on the decision-making process you will learn here. The general rule of thumb is to allow those closest to the problem make decisions and take action, as long as you and the other person have a clear contract up-front on the parameters. Nordstrom Department stores, a cornerstone of excellent customer service, has only one parameter: “Use your good judgement in all situations. There will be no additional rules.”

No Procrastination

Individuals who make decisions break free from inhibitors and “paralysis.” These people understand the meaning of “keep moving:” It is almost always the decision-maker that makes the decision work, and not the choice which makes the decision work.

Wear Blinders

Individuals who make decisions make them and do not hesitate. They “wear blinders.”


Individuals who make decisions “own” more of themselves with each decision made without hesitation.

Unconditional Commitment

Individuals who make decisions are free; they know the goal and are unconditionally committed to achieving it.


Effective decision-makers are OK working in a ‘grey’ environment. There are no ‘blacks’ and ‘whites,’ but lots of ‘grey.’ These individuals do not rely on mountains of spreadsheets and pro formulas, but do factor in relevant data when available.

If you find that you require too much time or require a lot of information before you can make a decision, try this simple little exercise. Next time you are at a restaurant give yourself 30 seconds to make a decision on what you are going to have. Close the menu at 30 seconds and just do it. In most cases, nothing terrible will. After awhile you will become more comfortable with quick decisions.

Dave Fischer, President, Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group

Dave Fischer, President, Chartwell Seventeen Advisory Group

Sandler Training NYC