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President's Club Sound Byte - Pain Discovery Chart


What do you find difficult with having the deeper conversation with the prospect to get pain/ gain? Is the prospect not sharing? Are you not asking the right questions to really learn the prospects challenges, issues or vision? Do we sometimes find ourselves solving their problems prematurely? The easy answer to that last question is if you get stuck in doing a proposal and not getting the project/ deal.

OK, got it Jim, what do I need to do different? Simple answer, fill in the pain chart (topic from this past Friday’s PC session) and keep refining it. In the Pain Step there are 3 steps to perfect:

  1. A good 30 second commercial that leads the prospect to admit to a problem.
  2. Use the pain funnel ( topic for another conversation)
  3. Ask the prospect if they’re committed to fix this problem/ challenge.

On to the pain chart which has 4 headings for the columns. They are:

  1. Feature
  2. Benefit
  3. Problem the prospect is having by not having this F&B
  4. The question to ask based upon their problem

On pages 15 and 16 in your PC manual under the Pain tab this exercise is demonstrated. Take the time with your sales team (if you have one) and come up with some great questions. Another idea: ask questions in the negative, meaning use words like “don’t, never, isn’t, couldn’t, not, shouldn’t. I don’t suppose you’re having a problem with (fill in the blank) are you? Or, you’re probably not having an issue with (fill in the blank)? One of my other clients was telling me this was a concern, but wasn’t sure if this was an issue here too?” You get the point.

Take a look at the handout we used in PC or from your President Club manual. Take the time to really think about the customers problems by not having your “magic dust” and watch what happens. You’ll see more first appointments from prospecting calls, shorter sales cycles (since you’re closing deals faster) and higher profit margins vs. discounting price to get the business. I know, you’re probably going to tell me that‘s not your problem, or is it?

Good selling,

Jim Dunn

Sandler Trainer

Jim Dunn

Jim Dunn

Jim Dunn has been a regional franchise owner of Sandler Training since 1992. Dunn Enterprises' Mission is to help people and companies realize their full potential and to train and coach business professionals who believe in growth achieved through on-going reinforcement.