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Why Sales People Fail



Sales people can be one of the most difficult types of employees to manage. They're often working on commission, which means they have an incentive to sell as much as they can. This can make them less likely than other employees to listen to their managers or take criticism from customers. It also means that they may try to sell even when it's not appropriate or pushy in order to get a sale.

Most sales people are not taught the fundamentals of selling and don't follow a process.

You may be wondering how this happens. The answer is that most sales people are not taught the fundamentals of selling and don't follow a process to help them acquire new customers.

A good example can be found in the many sales training companies out there, who all focus on teaching their trainees how to sell but stop short at providing their students with a framework for actually doing so effectively. They get hung up on the idea that they need to find something unique about themselves or their company in order for prospects to take notice (which isn't necessarily true), and then they're left floundering when it comes time to close deals.

The reason why this happens is because most people look down upon being a salesman as being an unsavory activity—something that's beneath them or worthy only of people who lack talent or intelligence other professions require. But really all we need from our salespeople is a deep understanding of market dynamics: how customers make decisions; what influences them; what works well when trying to persuade others; how bests ways are created by combining these factors together (and more).

Sales people have to deal with the fear of no, fear of hearing “no” from the customer.

The fear of no is the biggest reason for sales people to fail.

When we're confronted with a situation where we feel rejection, it's natural to have some kind of negative response. But it's important to understand that this isn't a reason for you to quit or give up. In fact, the opposite should be true: you should use this feeling as inspiration!

You may find yourself asking, “Wait, how can I use my fear of hearing no? Isn't that counter-productive?” The answer is simple: if you want something bad enough, then you need to learn how not only handle rejection but also use it as motivation and inspiration (which will help get rid of that fear).

Sales people who are successful start by putting in place good processes and using them every time. You need a training program that makes people confident, curious and excited about sales

Sales people who are successful start by putting in place good processes and using them every time. You need a training program that makes people confident, curious and excited about sales.

Here are some of the things we teach our trainers at Selling Success:

  • How to make your team feel comfortable with who they are and what they do
  • How to build rapport with customers so they buy from you without feeling pushed or pressured
  • Why it’s important for your company to have a process for how you sell products or services (and why having one will help you succeed)


We want sales people to succeed, because they are the front line of your company. So if you are a sales manager, you need to make sure that your team is educated and trained in the fundamental principles of selling so they can confidently close more deals. If you aren't doing this today then now is the time!

Why Sales People Fail

Go deeper with this bonus resource: Why Sales People Fail…and what to do about it.

Learn a new way of selling that puts the salesperson in control of the selling process.

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Chad Banman

Chad Banman

Chad is a certified Sandler Trainer and the owner of Sandler Training in Edmonton, Alberta.