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The UFC Can Determine Whether or Not You Maintain Control of a Sale


The UFC is just one part of the Sandler Selling System. But, Sandler clients say the UFC is the one thing in our Sales Foundations program that has helped them get to the next level the fastest.

You might be confused at this point. No, we’re not talking about the Ultimate Fighting Championship. We’re talking about the Up-Front Contract.

An upfront contract is an agreement made ahead of time about what will happen during a meeting or conversation that clarifies what each person’s role in the discussion will be. It’s an easy, no-pressure way to see who is interested without wasting time.
Implementing this technique will help you.

  • Maintain control of the sale
  • Create a comfortable, no-pressure environment for you and the prospect
  • Avoid dealing with common complaints and objections
  • Stop wasting time with prospects who can’t or won’t buy from you
  • Come across as an advisor and not a salesperson

When dealing with a salesperson, the stereotypical used car salesperson usually comes to the prospect's mind. That means people naturally put their guard up.

It can be challenging for prospects to say no; however, the up-front contract gives them a fast and easy way to say no. Hearing no is a great outcome because if it is the answer you will hear, you want to hear it as fast as possible. Isn’t a slow no just the absolute worst?

Something Sandler Training teaches their salespeople, and students is an abundance mindset. There is always another prospect out there who would love to work with you.

Salespeople frequently hold onto a prospect much longer than they should. But it goes both ways. People often play a game with salespeople. Sometimes they try to extract as much value as possible only to leave you in the wind.
All you have to do to implement the up-front-contract is to use the acronym ANOT.

  • Appreciate – I appreciate your taking the time to have this discussion with me. You still have the full hour, correct?
  • Naturally, I have questions for you
  • Obviously, you have questions for me.
  • Typically, after this call, one of two things happens. We can continue this process with another call (let them know what the process looks like) or part ways, no harm, and no foul.

You don’t need to use those exact words. They’re just a reference point.

After the initial call, if the prospect tells you anything except they want to continue the process, let them go. If a prospect asks you to send a proposal, don’t do it for the love of God.

By the way, there are people in our Sales Foundations course who have decades of experience and are already closing million-dollar deals. Everybody enrolled in this course takes their skills to the next level.

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Alex Hickey-Grant

Alex Hickey-Grant

Alex is Sandler Atlantic's new marketing intern/copywriter.