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How Sales Leaders and CEOs Can End 2020 on a High Note, Even If Covid-19 Ruined Their Plans


If Covid-19 ruined your plans for 2020, the way to end 2020 on a high note is by focusing predominantly on behaviors that will carry you through the turmoil.

If you’re a sales leader, you probably had a plan for how you expected this year to go. No doubt, that plan went out the window. It may seem impossible to plan for the future since nobody knows how the playing field will look next week, let alone six months from now.
About 45% of Sandler clients report that their teams are looking for answers they don’t have. They feel like they’re losing connection to their remote sales teams.
On the bright side, the other 55% report that it is business as usual. Some people are thriving during the pandemic.

If you belong to the 45%, don’t panic. There are plenty of things you can do to mitigate the damage.
Remember, Darwin’s definition of survival of the fittest is “those who are most able to adapt to change.” The pain of change weighs ounces. The pain of regret weighs tons.

Things never go back to how they were after any major global shift, let alone a pandemic. But, every crisis presents an opportunity for those who look for it.

Stressful times are when people revert to their comfort zones the most, but this is when you need to try new things. Now is the time to take a step back in your business and work on it just as much as you work in it. Dig deep, and be honest about where you could be doing things better. Ask yourself, where can I find a 1% edge every day?

Your team is watching and learning from you whether or not you realize it. You must say, “this too shall pass.” You truly need to own and embody those words. If your team sees you freak out, they are more likely to do the same. If you don’t own those words, you could poison your team when they need to feel uplifted more than ever!
The way you behave determines how you feel.

A great strategy is to set short-term results-oriented goals but long-term behavior goals. How would you like to see your team behave for the next six months, regardless of what happens? Below, you'll find three things you can start doing right now to make your employees feel like you are still a team and will eventually get to the other side of this madness together.

  1. Make sure you’re open and honest with your team. If you don’t have the immediate answers, tell them.
  2. It would be best if you considered having a daily team huddle. It can be as simple as a daily check-in, but this is an excellent way for the team to stay connected and feel like a team, even if they’re working remotely.
  3. Have individual talks with your salespeople and address their concerns. Different people are worried about different things. It’s crucial that they feel like you hear them. For example, if somebody is concerned about losing their job, they can’t do their best work.

Hard times don't last, but tough people do.

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Alex Hickey-Grant

Alex Hickey-Grant

Alex is Sandler Atlantic's new marketing intern/copywriter.