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Harver Hire The Right People, Drive Career Growth, And Develop Future Leaders

Harver Assessment

Data-Driven Insights for Effective Hiring Decisions

Harver Assessments have revolutionized the sales industry by providing a comprehensive, reliable, and efficient way to identify top sales talent.

Sandler provides the Harver employee assessment tool specifically designed for sales teams. This assessment and Sandler offer a complete solution for recruiting, developing, and retaining top sales talent.

Find the Perfect Fit: Harver's Four Quadrant Sales Assessment

Harver Assessments provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses make data-driven hiring decisions and develop high-performing sales teams. Our assessments cover various topics, including overall job fit, industry-standard competencies, key behavioral factors, and targeted interview questions. Our Four Quadrant Sales Assessment Model will measure and predict the best space on your team for each candidate.

The program is designed to benefit various job functions within your sales team, from securing new talent to getting a pulse on current talent development opportunities. We offer ongoing assessments for existing team members to help them continually improve and stay motivated – not many other assessment tools can boast that kind of comprehensive support.

Measure Your Candidates With Proven Tools

Information you need to make informed decisions

  • An Overall Match Score highlights the fit between the 
    individual and the job.
  • Percentile ranking to others who recently completed 
    assessments for the same job.
  • How well they fit for industry standard competencies.
  • Interview questions that are targeted to the individual’s 
    development areas.
  • Ability to Succeed Match to other roles.

Incorporating Harver reports into the interview helps you to 
understand the strengths and weaknesses of your candidate as it 
relates to the specific roles they are applying for.

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How Harver Assessments Can Benefit Your Business

By implementing Harver Assessments into your hiring process, you are ensuring that your sales team is made up of top performers who are equipped with the necessary skills and drive to succeed.

As a result, you can create a better business by:

  • Identifying top talent and predicting their success in specific sales roles
  • Enhancing the interview process with targeted questions
  • Optimizing team performance by aligning skills with the right positions
  • Reducing turnover by ensuring a strong fit between the candidate and the job requirements

Besides practical advantages, using data-driven, objective assessments boosts confidence in hiring decisions. With Harver Assessments, confidently build a high-performing sales team to propel your business forward.

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