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Events Sales Mastery

Many of the roadblocks that prevent salespeople from closing more business and closing it at the margins they want are usually manifestations of problems that started much earlier in the business development process. In this course, you will learn about the Sandler Selling System methodology and the psychological and communication theories on which it is based. You will learn why people buy, and how you can sell more and sell more easily.

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Add to Calendar 12/10/2024 12:30 pm 12/10/2024 02:00 pm Sales Mastery

Many of the roadblocks that prevent salespeople from closing more business and closing it at the margins they want are usually manifestations of problems that started much earlier in the business development process. In this course, you will learn about the Sandler Selling System methodology and the psychological and communication theories on which it is based. You will learn why people buy, and how you can sell more and sell more easily.

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