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Sandler Merseyside Testimonials

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  • Samuel Hoff, Executive Vice President

    Samuel Hoff, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Patti Engineering, talks about how ...
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    Samuel Hoff, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Patti Engineering, talks about how his company’s sales more than doubled after Sandler's sales training. “In 2007, we were a bunch of really good engineers and really bad salespeople; now we’re the same good engineers but we’re a lot smarter about the sales process.” In 2007 the company did a little less than $3 million in business and spent $1.10 for every dollar it made. Last year it did $7.5 million in business and spent 88¢ for every dollar it made. “My personal income is seven times what it was in 2007,” says Hoff. “That’s living proof of the success of Sandler.
    - Samuel Hoff, Executive Vice President
  • Ken Harris, Vice President of Sales and Marketing

    Ken Harris is Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Health o meter, which manufactures devices ...
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    Ken Harris is Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Health o meter, which manufactures devices for the medical community. He describes his history with Sandler, which spans 15 years and four companies. “Sandler is the one process I’ve seen that puts customer behaviors and salespeople behaviors together to help the customer in a way that ends up helping the company.” Harris uses a sports analogy to describe the impact of a great system, whether in college sports or sales training: “In a college team, turnover is every four years by definition, yet dynasties exist because they have good systems. Sales is also a skill set that needs to be constantly honed and, for me, Sandler is the only method that provides that level of consistent and intimate training.
    - Ken Harris, Vice President of Sales and Marketing
  • Roy Cook

    Roy Cook, who works with Merrill Lynch to help clients strategise their retirement plans, explains ...
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    Roy Cook, who works with Merrill Lynch to help clients strategise their retirement plans, explains his mindset when he started Sandler. “When I was introduced to Sandler I didn’t think I had any problems,” he says. He did have problems, though, including the lack of a systematic approach to generating new business. “Sandler has a very logical, very cerebral approach to sales. I saw more than 20 percent growth in my business year after year. Some of that I attribute to the market, but a lot of it I attribute to the Sandler process, with me implementing it and working more efficiently.
    - Roy Cook
  • Holly Danks

    I was a blank canvas. I didn't know anything at all. Now, as a result of Sandler, I have so much more confidence. They have taken me way out of my comfort zone. I'm doing things now that I never thought I would do!
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  • Peter O'Neill, Sales Director

    Your superb sales and sales management training programmes continue to deliver the edge we need, and your training efforts continue to earn an astounding 93 percent approval rating! That's why we've decided to bring the sales force of our new division under the Sander umbrella.
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  • S. Taylor - Managing Director

    Sandler has been a revelation to our business and we are seeing an immediate positive impact on our sales numbers. Not only that, we are also seeing that the various aspects of the whole Sandler methodology and process can be applied to so many business situations. We strive to be different and Sandler only adds to our approach to standing out in a crowded market place.
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  • G Miller, Sr VP of Sales

    Our sales reps really needed a system - a track to run on. We tried all of the 'as old standards,' but in the end, we always reverted to our old habits. With Sandler on our team, the sales reps and sales managers feel we have a discipline that saves a lot of time and helps us qualify our prospects better. The proof lies in the fact that our closing rates have improved, the sales cycle is shortened, fewer quotes are going out to unqualified ...
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    Max Davies

    - Max Davies
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