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The Success Triangle - Attitudinal Aspects: Head, Heart & Gut


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Glenn Mattson
Welcome back to The Building Blocks of Success. So this series we're going to be doing is taking a look at one of those quadrants that we were discussing previously, in The Success Triangle. Look, a lot of people want to talk about the technique stuff, right? That's the what do we do when we do it? It's kind of the fun stuff that everyone wants to know about for sure. Most people also want to talk about the behavior piece of the consistency of really doing the behaviors and activities you need to do to fill that pipeline and be successful, whatever that may be. But this series, we're going to talk about the attitudinal piece. Now, it's not going to be all inclusive by any means. But we're gonna spend some time talking about the head and the heart and the gut. Yeah, we're going to spend some time talking about what really motivation is and how to have desire, what to look at when it comes to commitment and decision making and owning your own lifeline and stop making excuses, etc, for sure, we're going to talk that journey. But we also have to talk about some other pieces, some pieces about how we handle the simplicity of our life. How do we handle things like adversity? How do we handle things like failure? Really, how do we deal with setbacks.

Glenn Mattson
On the same flip side, though, is some people also, you'd be surprised see more so fear success than they do failure. So what happens when we are successful? What happens when we do achieve our goals? What happens when we do hit that commission that we were hoping for, or that objective, what happens when we're successful? Let's talk about this journey that we need to have a conversation about. It's really about those that when we start talking about our attitude, those things inside of our head, and our heart and our gut, and our success and failure, it's a pretty fickle thing. So is our beliefs. So as we start to take a look at what we really consider the keys to this, we also have to take a look at some other pieces. And some of those pieces are things that we interpret the world, how we look at certain things in which we're doing. And with that are certain pieces of our own world, that have come from what we'll call scripts, these scripts are things that we've had, for quite a long time. In scripts, the things that are our beliefs. These beliefs have been with us early on, from adulthood and from our parents, and from those who that we would consider mentors, or opinion leaders early on these beliefs, impact 90% of every decision that we make. These beliefs or scripts really dictate the things that we do or don't do, the things that we say or don't say, how we act or react. And a lot of times, how are we supposed to feel. These beliefs were pretty important to us when we first got them. And in theory, they're there to help us and they're there to help protect us back when we first got them. But more times than not, they're not that beneficial nowadays. So how do we take a look some of these beliefs that we have, and really have an understanding about them. And so do some core beliefs, they have so much control of what we do. Some of our beliefs are supportive. Some of them are really non supportive. Some of them we have to change and should change, and some we've already changed. Many of them we're not even aware of. And these scripts are just like these unwritten rules. How come when it turns yellow, some of us put the brakes on some of us slam down on the gas. When it's certain time it's late out and you know, it's time to go to bed some people will just push themselves to stay up late, even though they're exhausted for some particular reason just to stay up late. So we have these beliefs.

Glenn Mattson
Play hard, work hard, these beliefs about what's right and wrong. What we should be doing or we shouldn't be doing. For right now. I want you to take a look at some just simple, simple beliefs that you have. When you look at adversity, when failure happens when setbacks occur. When you're tested, when you have something happen, that is not what you expected. What are the scripts that happen in your head? What are your initial beliefs? Are those things that you say that are maybe in the negative side? Oh, man, I never should have tried this. Oh my god, I just embarrassed myself. Why I am so blank, right? Why am I so bad at this? Why am I so unathletic? Why do I not have the ability to spell? Why am I so bad at math? Why can't I remember the script? Why do I freeze when people ask me a question? We see that negative in what we do, or do we see the other side of the perception? Do you see the good? Do you see what you learned? Do you see what you tried? Do you see the fact that you actually gave it a shot? Do you say to yourself that you just learned it, you're not supposed to be perfect? Do you say to yourself more and mess up, the faster I can learn it. No one likes failure. That's for sure. No one likes setbacks. No one likes adversity. But they happen they happen to everybody. So how do you simply look at life? Do you look at life like they got it in for you? Do you say to yourself, when things don't go your way never should have done that? Why did I try? See? Never goes my way. Are you leaning into it? Are you open? Are you closed? It's really important belief right now. We're getting into a lot of heavy stuff in a couple minutes.

Glenn Mattson
But let's take the core fundamental. When things happen does your natural reaction does your natural belief go to negative? Or does it go to positive? Do you find yourself closing up? Or do you find yourself opening? Do you find yourself shutting down? Or do you find yourself leaning into things? These things are going to happen no matter what happens in your life, you're going to have adversity. But we have to make sure is that when we have adversity, that we lean into it, because that's part of the building blocks of success is having that capacity, that when things do happen to have that basic mindset, the basic building block of success is that you can do this, it will take time, it will take energy, it will take effort. It will take lots of effort, sometimes lots of time, and lots of energy. But you're going to get the results. The belief is lean into it. Don't believe the other. Don't move away from the thought process of oh my God, why is this happening to me? This always happens to me, why do I try this? I know I shouldn't have. Those are negative beliefs that we must eradicate, to make sure you get the building blocks of success.

Glenn Mattson
It's a great story, you can look it up. It is my favorite by far. And short version of it is this Navajo Indians, and there's two versions of it. You can look it up. The black wolf and the white wolf. Basic story. Many different versions said a medicine man is having a conversation with one of the village boys. And they're talking about how everybody has a black wolf and a white wolf inside them. Of course, the young man touches his stomach trying to figure out what is he talking about there's wolves inside of us? But clearly the medicine man is having this conversation. It's the black wolf feeds on anger, despair, fear, guilt, anger. Yet the white wolf feeds itself on passion, desire, commitment, tenacity, fortitude, guts, grit. One version of the story goes, the boy asks, well who wins this battle that's happening inside of me? And one version you're gonna see online will say whichever one you feed. Which if you think about makes a lot of sense. They're both going to speak to you, they're both going to speak very loudly. The one you listen to, the one you let win, the one that you let into your soul and into your decision making will always have a greater impact. And when it has an impact, it knows you're going to listen, so it gets louder and gets more powerful. That's a good version. You can retake that version run with it. There's another version an add on to that, which basically says you can't get rid of the black wolf. You have to learn how to control the black wolf. See, if you trying to get rid of that black wolf, it will be around a corner. It will be waiting and you're not expecting it, unfortunately and when your lowest points it will come out. In full glory ready to attack.

Glenn Mattson
I like the second version, which states that you can't get rid of the black wolf. What we learn how to do is control the black wolf. Anger, fear, those are good motivation sometimes. Those are things that we need sometimes. Those are great things to have in your corner when you need it. So we don't want to get rid of the black wolf by any means, we learn to do is learn how to control the black wolf. I think putting yourself into a situation that you don't accept fear and that you're not going to accept that you're going to have things that are going to happen in your journey and the building blocks of success, it's going to terrify you, it's going to keep you up at night, it's going to be things that make you dry sweat, there's gonna be things that are push you beyond maybe your limits. But as you're going through this process, make sure that you understand that from where you are, it's for the greater good of where you're going to be. You're pushing yourself to be your greater and your best version of yourself, that white wolf and the black wolf together will give you the power and the tipping point, when you need it. On both sides of the fence, the most important things about your attitude is there's gonna be plenty of days that you're not going to want to do things. There will be plenty of days, that you're gonna try to convince yourself not to do your behavior There will be plenty of days that you can try to convince yourself to do other type of work, versus the work you're supposed to do. You're planning other days to tell you to sleep in, versus getting up and do your job and do the things you're supposed to do reach your goals. There's going to be plenty of those days. The reason we need to have that strength is because sometimes we need to have that tipping point, the tipping point is not necessarily trying to control if they're talking in our heads, what we want to control is which one we listen to. We want to control the one that we let run the inside of our attitude. Yeah, you may want to sleep in. But sleeping isn't part of the plan. Sleeping in isn't what you're going to have to do to be the success you want to be if that's part of your plan. So whatever your activities are, whatever the things that you have to do to be successful. There's a token that we have to pay to get to where you want to go, whatever that may look like.

Glenn Mattson
Don't be afraid and don't move away from fear and anxiety and the negative part of the mind. Learn how to control it. Learn how to use it to your advantage. So we're going to take this journey as we go. We're going to be talking about the basic building blocks of success. We're going to be going into desire and passion and making look at commitment, fortitude, making sure that you can live in the present moment. We're dealing with all that coming up. But the basic premise of the building blocks of success with attitude is having a simple mindset. Are you open? Are you closed? Are you gonna defend where you are? Are you gonna fight for where you want to go? Let's take that journey together.

Glenn Mattson
This is the building blocks of success with Glenn Mattson.