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30 Second Commercial Tips: A Better Way To Describe What You Do


Don’t get pigeonholed when you mention your business.

Be ready with a 30-second commercial that answers “so what do you do?”

After your name, share about your clients and the reasons they use you.
- Describe the problems you solve for them using emotional phrases such as fed up, worried, or anxious; like:

“Our clients come to us when they are frustrated with sales.”

Next, share what you do for your clients and how it helps them; like:

“They tell me we help them with proactive, high integrity tactics that help them avoid unpaid consulting.

Finally, end by asking them to deny they have the problem you’ve described; like:
“I don’t imagine you find yourself doing a lot of unpaid consulting?”

Here’s a couple of tips for ensuring people listen to your whole commercial when you’re describing what you do:

  • Keep your language conversational and informal.
  • Be sure you don’t use buzzwords or industry jargon, these are an instant turn-off.
  • Focus on a specific example of something you do. If you ask about a specific problem, you may find that someone has that issue. But if you keep it general, no one will respond.
  • Keep it short. People will tune in for 20 seconds, maybe 30, but you’ll never get them to listen to you much longer than that.
  • Create different 30-second commercials for different audiences. Try to target their likely pain points.

Contact us if you would like to receive more sales tips and tactics.

Joe Marr, President, Sandler Training Ann Arbor

Joe Marr, President, Sandler Training Ann Arbor

Joe Marr has over 30 years experience organizing, training, coaching and managing sales professionals and sales managers worldwide. In executive sales and training positions in the corporate world, Joe was responsible for the technical and sales fundamentals training of over 1000 sales people worldwide in support of a $110,000,000 business. A native of Ann Arbor who attended EMU Business School, Joe's mission is to help business people to get as comfortable and effective in selling and sales management, as they are in the rest of their business. Contact me at: Sandler Training located in Ann Arbor, MI