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B-A-T and the Road to Excellence


Recently, a captivating presentation titled "Consistency is King" shed light on effective belief statements using the Sandler BAT triangle, illustrating how behavior, attitude, and technique contribute to long-term success in Sandler.

Allow me to share some insights gleaned from this discourse.

Attitude: Our perception shapes our reality. Do we see possibilities or limitations? Is the glass half-full or half-empty? Embracing high self-worth and a diminished need for approval are pivotal in fostering a positive attitude. Failure is inevitable, but it's how we rise from it that matters.

Here are a few attitude-based belief statements to ponder:

I am the solution to my client's problems, thus transforming lives.
I am a reflection of the value I provide.
I adhere to a process, focusing on progress rather than outcomes.
I am grateful for the opportunity to impact lives, enjoy my work, and generate income.
Behavior: We are accountable for our actions. Progress is continuous; there's no standing still. It's crucial to define our business model and envision its trajectory.

Here are some behavior-based belief statements for contemplation:

Consistent adherence to my behaviors propels me forward each week.
Neglecting my behaviors sets me back.
I allocate time for strategic priorities, undeterred by others' distractions.
I am transparent about my actions and decisions.
Technique: Mastery is achieved through diligent practice and a commitment to learning. Embrace knowledge from various sources and strive for excellence in our craft.

Consider these technique-based belief statements:

I will grasp the significance of "what is it costing you not to solve the problem?"
I will adopt the rhythm of "soft yes, hard no, hard yes."
Preparation precedes action; I plan meticulously before each sales encounter.
I will overcome any reluctance regarding financial discussions.
In effective writing, clarity is paramount to ensure comprehension. If any part of this message remains unclear, don't hesitate to reach out for further elucidation.

In summary, my journey toward excellence may encounter obstacles and diversions, yet armed with the BAT Triangle as my guide, every step of the way becomes purposeful and rewarding.

Ken Seawell​​

Ken Seawell

Managing Partner Sandler Michigan - EAM Consulting Group