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Market smart, not hard


Whether you realize it or not, you're probably already familiar with Sandler Rule #34: Work Smart, Not Hard. Working smart is all about investing your time wisely and not wasting it. It's about using various tools, tactics, and platforms to save time and optimize your results.

In the world of marketing, there are plenty of tools out there that can save you time and make the most of your resources. Here are three quick tips to market smart, not hard.

Schedule Content

A big part of marketing is creating content that can establish your expertise. Fortunately, with all the tools you have available to you, that content can be created in batches then scheduled to go out over time.

Most modern blogging systems—WordPress being the most prevalent—will let you preschedule your blogs. Constant Contact and MailChimp let you preschedule your email newsletters and other email blasts. Hootsuite and Buffer allow you to preschedule social media posts.

Use Marketing Automation

Marketing automation allows you to set up rules and follow-up actions based on a series of conditions that are automatically detected.

Did someone visit your website and fill out a form? Send them a thank you email. Was the form for an ebook on a specific topic? Follow up with a series of emails on that topic. Did they click the links in over half the emails? Send them an invitation to a webinar you're planning on putting on about the topic.

Popular marketing automation platforms include HubSpot, Marketo, and SharpSpring.

Leverage Comfort

In Sandler, we talk a lot about going outside your comfort zone. But if there's a platform or tool that makes sense for your business goals and you also happen to be comfortable using it, leverage that comfort!

Of course, you should also try new tools, tactics, and platforms. But concentrating on a tool you're already comfortable with can help you get more out of your time.

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Mike Crandall

Mike Crandall

Sandler Custom Growth Solutions

Mike Crandall is a Speaker, Consultant, Coach and Trainer focused on Sales, Management, and Leadership Development.

He's also the owner of Sandler Custom Growth Solutions, a world leader in innovative sales, management, and leadership training. They offer consulting, coaching, and training for individuals and organizations serious about professional development and growth.

Mike is the author of "Motivational Management The Sandler Way" and has written a sales column for several years.

Tim Priebe

Tim Priebe

T&S Online Marketing

Tim Priebe is a public speaker, author, columnist, and the owner of T&S Online Marketing. He helps businesses that are worried they don’t have the expertise or time required to invest in doing their own digital marketing. He helps them plan where and how much to invest and often helps execute the plan.

Tim’s company helps with websites, social media, blogging, email newsletters, Google rankings, and online video. Tim is the author of several online marketing books, including "102 Tweets," "Blog a Week," and "Online Marketing Mindshift."