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Defuse bombs in your marketing


If you know there could be an issue with a potential client, the best time to bring that up is before it actually comes up. That’s Sandler Rule #23: The Way to Get Rid of a Bomb is to Defuse It Before It Blows Up.

That’s true in sales, but you can do it with your marketing as well.

One of the reasons marketing and sales are often at odds in larger organizations is because the sales department doesn’t like the leads that the marketing department is sending them. If your marketing actually gets people to disqualify themselves because they’re not a good fit, then the quality of leads the sales team ends up with is automatically better!

Marketing should defuse the bomb before it goes off in the middle of the sales department.

That’s great, but how can you do that? Here’s one way to get you started.

Often websites have sections that talk about who would be a good fit. Have you considered adding a page that talks about who a bad fit for you would be? If you already have a page titled, “Why Us?” think about adding a page titled, “Why Not Us?” List some red flags you see in people who end up not being a good fit for you.

Yes, your marketing material should include the right people, but it should exclude the wrong people as well!

If you defuse the bombs with your marketing, you’ll save everyone’s time.

About the Authors

Mike Crandall

Mike Crandall

Sandler of Oklahoma

Mike Crandall is a Speaker, Consultant, Coach and Trainer focused on Sales, Management, and Leadership Development.

He's also the owner of Sandler Oklahoma, a world leader in innovative sales, management, and leadership training. They offer consulting, coaching, and training for individuals and organizations serious about professional development and growth.

Mike is the author of "Motivational Management The Sandler Way" and has written a sales column for several years.

Tim Priebe

Tim Priebe

T&S Online Marketing

Tim Priebe is a public speaker, author, columnist, and the owner of T&S Online Marketing. He helps businesses that are worried they don’t have the expertise or time required to invest in doing their own digital marketing. He helps them plan where and how much to invest and often helps execute the plan.

Tim’s company helps with websites, social media, blogging, email newsletters, Google rankings, and online video. Tim is the author of several online marketing books, including "102 Tweets," "Blog a Week," and "Online Marketing Mindshift."