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How To End The Quarter Strong and Close Deals


As the end of the quarter approaches, sales teams are gearing up for a final push to meet their targets. It can be a stressful time, but with the right approach, it can also be an opportunity to showcase your skills and exceed your quarterly goals.

Here are some tips for working through the end of quarter in sales:

  1. Prioritize Your Pipeline One of the most important things you can do as the end of the quarter approaches is to prioritize your pipeline. Focus on the deals that are most likely to close and put them first on your list of accounts to work with. You may need to make some tough decisions about which deals to prioritize, but it's better to focus your time and energy where it will have the biggest impact.
  2. Be Proactive Don't wait for your prospects to reach out to you. Take a proactive approach and reach out to them first. This can help you identify any potential roadblocks or objections early on and give you more time to address them. It also shows your prospects that you're staying on top of their project and committed to helping.
  3. Follow Up Following up is key to closing deals, especially at the end of the quarter. Be persistent, but also be respectful of your prospect's time and communication preferences. Don't be afraid to go for the no - time spent chasing a no, is time that could be spent on a more qualified opportunity. Make the call, send a LinkedIn message, or craft an email to check-in with your prospects. Remember: communicate with each prospect as they want or need to be communicated with. Lean on tools like DISC to help you identify the style of those you are working with for effective interactions.
  4. Use Social Proof Social proof can be a powerful tool in sales. If you have happy customers who are willing to provide testimonials or case studies, use them to your advantage. Share these stories with your prospects to help build trust and credibility. Testimonials provide great content for social media and emails to capture new prospects.
  5. Stay Positive The end of the quarter can be a stressful time, but it's important to stay positive. A positive attitude can help you overcome any challenges that come your way and stay motivated to achieve your goals. Celebrate small wins along the way and remember that every little bit counts. Working through the end of quarter in sales can be a challenging time, but it can also be an opportunity to finish strong and set yourself up for a successful start in the new quarter. By prioritizing your pipeline, being proactive, following up, using social proof, and staying positive, you will succeed and set yourself up for success in the future.

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Kevin Hallenbeck

Kevin Hallenbeck

Kevin Hallenbeck is a Principal of Sandler, a national consulting firm specializing in business development strategies, sales and sales management training. Kevin holds both a B.S. and an M.S. in Engineering. He lives with his wife, Diane, and their five children in Bedford, New Hampshire. Kevin is active in church, community and professional organizations.