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SANDLER HOT TAKE: Sales KPIs Are Not Working


Let’s cut the fluff.

Sales leaders set targets. Sales reps chase them. And somehow, everyone is surprised when deals don’t close.

Sound familiar?

Your KPIs say:

  • “Make 100 calls.”
  • “Send 50 quotes.”
  • “Book 20 meetings.”
  • “Present 10 demos.”

But here’s the harsh truth: None of this guarantees revenue. So what do most reps do?

  • Call unqualified leads just to check a box.
  • Push for meetings with people who don’t care.
  • Send proposals on request - without real buy-in.
  • Run demos like a free consultant instead of leading the sale.

And then? They get ghosted. They miss targets. They burn out. But here’s what no one tells you:

You’re not bad at sales. The system is bad.

You’re being told to “work harder” instead of being taught how to work smarter. So let’s challenge this nonsense. Stop rewarding empty actions. Stop treating "busy work" as progress. Stop letting outdated KPIs dictate how you sell.

Because the truth is, real sales success isn’t about MORE. It’s about BETTER. Better conversations. Better qualification. Better control over the sale. Better alignment between WHAT you do and WHY you’re doing it.

Your measurable progress toward your personal income target for this month, quarter, or year is the KPI that matters– ASSUMING that this target has been reached in partnership between you and your boss, and ASSUMING you have identified and clarified a strong personal WHY for attaining that target, a personal goal that you can and do discuss with your boss.

Breaking it down from there into measurable behaviors should be a collaborative discussion involving both of you -- meaning the metrics that support your personal target are unique to you AND are tied directly to an important, mutually understood personal goal that matters to you and you alone, and that connects to a revenue target, one that makes sense for both the team and the business.

So here’s my challenge to you: What if you ignored outdated, fake KPIs for one week – and focused without apology on your own personal WHY, as reflected in your personal revenue goal.

How would you actually sell?