"Management is getting things done through other people." As good as you are, you need others to do everything you promise to do when you’re running a business.
Regardless how you see it, you’re responsible for results. That means addressing anything that doesn’t help you generate results.
When we work with a client, we look for factors that are likely to prevent a client from achieving the success it’s potentially able to produce. Here are some of our favorites:
Getting from ‘here’ to ‘there’ is not an accident. At least it shouldn’t be. And, if it is, it’s going to take longer and cost more than it should and you’ll like. So having a plan — not just goals — to make things happen is an essential element for your success.
Every business has to respond to various challenges that are impediments to delivering the value the business was created to produce in the first place. Your ability to do this, especially through others, reflects your firm’s structure — i.e. the roles and capabilities of your people who are ‘on the bus’. If the right people aren’t in the right seats . . . your organization is trying to ‘go fast’ with one foot on the brake.
Well, I hope you have people because of what managing means — "getting things done through others". But if your people aren’t capable of doing what you need them to do, this is going to reflect in missed goals and lower productivity than you’ll like.
If your people can’t deliver the performance you want from them . . . the burden of performing as your implicit value proposition suggests will fall on others, on you or . . . (ugh!) ‘through the cracks’. None of these options are desirable. Fortunately, you can anticipate, assess and address them with a good coaching partner.
Even the best people, fully trained and properly motivated, can’t deliver the results you want if they’re operating under system-imposed limitations. These include not having the time, people, skills, and tools that desired results require. If these are not made available, by you, to deliver the promises and overcome the challenges your firm must face on a daily basis, something’s going to come up short.
The old saw about “Inspect what you expect” is still valid. Do you have clear goals and action plans to achieve them? Are your short-term goals aligned to support your long-term objectives? Do you tend to confuse being busy with being productive?
You need both a system to check on whether you’re getting what you want as well as the personal ability to ask the tough questions and withstand the heat of interpersonal conflict that tends to arise when you ask them of your people.
While there are many different factors that enable or cripple your success, these are some of the main ones that are often ‘hiding in plain sight’ and deserve your attention if they’re not helping you generate the success you’re seeking and richly deserve.
Glenn Mattson is a seasoned veteran of the selling profession, Glenn has personally built one of the leading offices for Sandler Training with his office ranking consistently in the top 1% of Sandler franchisees worldwide. He specializes in working with financial services producers and agency managers who want to shorten their selling cycles, grow their revenues, boost their productivity, and improve their operational efficiencies. Glenn's clients include many producers who seek to be MDRT qualifiers as well as Court of The Table and Top of The Table members who attribute a great deal of their success to the principles, practices, and, above all, the accountability Glenn brings to their practice. Glenn is based in Long Island, New York, but he's usually "in the field," working with clients all over the United States helping them to grow their business, revenues, and profits. Additionally, Glenn is a sought-after keynote speaker, available to speak to small or large groups on emerging business topics.